Velashape Treatments In Houston - Institute Of Anti-Aging Medicine & Skin Spa

Learn about the latest and greatest laser treatments at Institute of Anti-Aging.

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Velashape uses a combination of infrared light and radio frequency to safely guide heat through the treatment area. These two technologies combined, heat the fat cells and surrounding tissue to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Popular treatment areas include:

  • Abdomen
  • Knees
  • Thighs
  • Arms

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We’re here to help. Schedule a consultation today to discuss treatment options.

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Is it safe?

Velashape is safe for all skin types and colors. There are no reported short term or long term side effects.

What can you expect?

Most patients describe Velashape as feeling like a warm deep tissue massage. You may experience a warm sensation up to a few hours after treatment. The treated area may appear pink for a few hours after treatment.

When it comes to body contouring, choosing the right treatment can be tricky. That’s why we offer a complimentary consultation to each of our patients. A highly trained provider will meet with you and discuss the problem areas. They will then choose a body contouring technique that suits your specific needs. Sometime a combination of treatments is suggested.


VelaShape® uses vacuum technology to manipulate your skin while infrared light (IR) and bi-polar radio frequency (RF) energies gently heat fat cells and surrounding tissue. Over the course of your treatments, you will notice a reduction in both the circumference and appearance of cellulite in the treated areas.

Most patients describe VelaShape® treatments as comfortable and similar to the sensation of a warm deep tissue massage. Treatment sensation varies from patient to patient. VelaShape® treatments are designed to accommodate your individual level of sensitivity and comfort. Your skin may appear pink for a few hours post treatment. VelaShape® treatments are safe and effective for all skin types.

The VelaShape® treatment is safe and effective for all skin types and colors. However, the treatment area must be free of tattoos and piercings must be removed. There are no reported short-term or long-term negative side effects.

A series of 3-6 treatments are typically required to achieve optimal results. Treatment sessions are scheduled every other week until desired results are achieved. Maintenance sessions are recommended to maintain the results with a treatment session every 6-8 weeks or as needed.

Gradual improvement of the treated area can be seen after the first treatment - the surface of the skin in the treated area feels smoother and firmer. Over time you will notice a smaller circumference throughout the treated area as well as a reduction in the appearance of cellulite; the best results will be seen after 10 weeks.

Like all techniques, invasive or non-invasive, results will last longer if you follow a balanced diet and exercise regimen. Following your complete treatment regimen, it is recommended that you receive maintenance treatments periodically.

The latest VelaShape® device uses higher energies very safely. As a result, treatments are shorter and you can see results faster.

Financing Options (CareCredit® and PatientFi)

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