Laser Series: Resurfacing the Skin with MOXI™ Laser

When it comes to taking care of your skin, it often seems like nothing you do offers any benefits. Your skin is still breaking out, the wrinkles are constantly getting deeper, and each day in the sun results in even more sunspots. The only solution would be to remove the top layer of your skin, but you can’t do that without turning it into a horror movie. Or can you?

Enter MOXI™ laser, a procedure that can gently improve the cell rate turnover and offer that smooth glow you’ve been looking for. Whether you want to obtain clearer skin or wish to reduce signs of aging, the MOXI™ laser could become a great asset for you.

What Is the Halo™ Laser?

Halo™ is a procedure that uses two wavelengths to form a fractionated laser effect. It’s one of the first procedures to combine ablative and non-ablative lasers in one area, creating a very powerful synergistic effect.

The 1470 nm wavelength goes deep into your dermis, triggering collagen production and starting your body’s healing system. The second wavelength, at 2940 nm helps resurface the epidermis, reducing pigmentation, superficial sun damage, and abnormal cell growth. This helps you obtain clear skin with as little downtime as possible.

Benefits of the Halo™ Laser

The Halo™ laser can offer long-lasting benefits with just one or two treatment sessions. Here are the advantages you may enjoy by undergoing this procedure:

  • Reduces the Size of Your Pores

    Halo™ helps reduce pore size in two ways. First, it triggers collagen production, which slightly closes the walls of your pores, decreasing their size. Secondly, it balances out your oil production, preventing excess sebum. This not only leads to a smoother skin complexion but also reduces the chances of developing blackheads and pimples.

  • Reduces Pigmented Spots

    Excess pigmentation is the result of melanin clusters often caused by injury or sun damage. The Halo™ laser crushes down these clusters, breaking their bonds in your skin. This way, your body can eliminate the cells naturally through your lymphatic system. New skin cells are produced after this process to replace the dead cells that have been eliminated from the surface.

  • Treats Scars

    The collagen-stimulating powers of Halo™ help treat a variety of scars, no matter if they have been caused by acne or injury. You can also use this treatment to reduce the appearance of actinic keratosis. Many patients often use the Halo™ treatment after a surgical procedure to improve the healing process.

  • Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines

    The Halo™ laser creates microscopic, controlled injuries in your skin, triggering your body’s natural healing response. When this happens, your body starts producing more collagen to heal those micro-lesions. In turn, this leads to fewer fine lines and wrinkles as more collagen fibers are produced.

  • Improves Skin Elasticity

    Aside from collagen, the Halo™ treatment also prompts a new production of elastin. This can help tighten your skin and reduce sagginess, while decreasing the chances of dynamic wrinkles. If you are struggling with jowls or other imperfections caused by loss of skin elasticity, Halo™ can help you obtain a more balanced and youthful appearance.

  • Reduces Rosacea

    If you deal with redness or rosacea, then Halo™ laser treatment can help close and remove broken capillaries, reducing the appearance of redness. This offers patients a more even skin tone, taking away the need for wearing foundation.

Book Your Halo™ Treatment Today!

The Halo™ laser is a great procedure to opt for if you wish to maintain your natural beauty. It offers long-lasting results, boosting your confidence and making life much easier for you. Contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa and set up an appointment for Halo™ laser!

To learn more about the Halo™ laser, please contact the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa at (832) 910-8706. We would be more than happy to offer all the information you need to make your decision. Alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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