As we age, our skin begins to change, and more marks (like moles, skin tags, and cherry angiomas) begin to appear. A hyfrecator is a type of medical equipment used during electrosurgery to eliminate those unwanted lesions on the skin that can sometimes cause embarrassment or self-consciousness.
As you get older, the signs of sun damage and other age-related concerns are more difficult to conceal. Wrinkles become more evident and sun spots are more frequent after every summer spent in sunlight. This can cause self-esteem issues to anyone concerned about the status of their skin, causing them to reach out for makeup. One efficient way to prevent that from happening is to use the MOXI™ laser, which offers the skin its much-needed rejuvenation. Professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa provide the MOXI™ treatment to those who want to reduce signs of aging.
As you get older, the signs of sun damage and other age-related concerns are more difficult to conceal. Wrinkles become more evident and sun spots are more frequent after every summer spent in sunlight. This can cause self-esteem issues to anyone concerned about the status of their skin, causing them to reach out for makeup. One efficient way to prevent that from happening is to use the MOXI™ laser, which offers the skin its much-needed rejuvenation. Professionals at the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa provide the MOXI™ treatment to those who want to reduce signs of aging.
Laser Hair Removal With Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ Treatment
Hair in unwanted places can be such an annoyance; however, with the Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ treatment, you can now be free from shaving, plucking, and waxing, and still have silky smooth and beautifully bare skin. Pain-Free, Hair-Free™ is an effective and permanent hair reduction solution that is quick, easy, and predictable.
ActiveFX / DeepFX
The ActiveFX and DeepFX laser treatment affects a “fraction” of the skin’s surface, leaving small microscopic “bridges” of untouched skin. This technique makes the healing process much faster and enables the patient to get back to normal activities quicker.
Photofacial and Gemini/Yag Laser
Most people want clear, smooth skin, but it can be difficult to achieve, even with a healthy lifestyle and skincare routine. IPL (intense pulsed light) photofacial uses a bright light to help reduce the appearance of signs of aging, such as brown spots, melasma, broken capillaries, wrinkles, and other cosmetic imperfections.
Skin Tightening With Forma™
As we age, our skin begins to droop and sag over time, which can make us look older than we truly are. A skin tightening treatment called Forma™ uses radio-frequency technology to provide optimal skin contraction in the deep layers of the skin. It targets fat cells and is delivered by a precise applicator head designed to match the contours of your face or neck for optimal results.
Age and spending hours under the sunlight can make your skin appear dull and lifeless. Not only can it look patchy, but it can also be ridden with wrinkles and sun spots that make you feel self-conscious. Today’s beauty procedures make it easy for you to obtain a youthful aesthetic, and one of them is the Halo™ laser. If you are looking to correct damaged skin, then we welcome you to the Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and Skin Spa to experience the advanced Halo™ service.